Quantcast Leak is an ancient knowledge passed down by ancestors of Hindu in Bali. In this day and age people wondering what really a leak there?, Is it really such a leak is sick? In general, the leakage was not injured, the leak was a pretty good knowledge of the process for those interested. Because science leakage also has its own ethics.Not easy to learn science leak. It takes a very good ability to learn science leak. In a society often labeled leak could hurt even kill humans, but not like that. Science leakage is the same with the other science that is contained in Bali, an ancient papyrus. leakage science is not the first people at random to learn, because science is a science that is confidential as a leaky defense from enemy attack.

Ancient Balinese people who study this science is a high level, the king was accompanied by his subordinates. The goal for defense science from enemy attack, especially from the outside. The people who study this science choose a secret place, because knowledge does leak a secret. So those who carelessly do not learn.
That hurt or science nerangjana teluh, is the science which negatively, especially for people because it hurts some thing like a revenge, envy, wanting more superior, science is what is called pengiwa. Pengiwa science that many developing countries are often labeled as the scientific brain. As mentioned above there is a leak in accordance with their level of knowledge, including endih leakage. Endih leaks usually appears at the time, they again exercise or more Frolic with the diversion or same or opposite sex. The appearance of his endih overnight, especially at midnight. The next day a day isn't random people start doing science. Why a place haunted? This is consistent with the science of brain, where people who study this science should be in the desert place, usually at the cemetery or somewhere quiet. Endih this may be natural or jnananya (soul), because this knowledge cannot be generalized for you.
People who happened to see it does not need to be vigilant. Be it makes sense. If you are afraid to see, say the name of the Lord's name. Endih not cause heat. And endih not used for cooking because it is different. Endih leakage is abstract, can not be touched. Leak shoping at the Tombs In essence, science is the science of spirituality leakage which aims to seek enlightenment through sacred script. Balinese script is not called a leak. That there is "Liya, ak" meaning five characters (insert and remove the power of literacy in the body through specific procedures.) Five character Si, Wa, Ya, Na, Ma. - Si is to reflect God - Wa is a gift - Yes is the soul - Na is the force that covers the intelligence - is a selfishness that shackles the soul power of this script is called Ma gni pentameter (five fires). Humans are learning what spirituality is, if he will be peaking out the light (aura).

Sunday, November 14, 2010 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

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